How one code review rule turned my team into a dream team

Elena Flat describes very vividly how to shift a team from cowboy-programmers into a team that knows how to work: How one code review rule turned my team into a dream team

I am coming up to a year now on the same team, and by this time you get a bit too familiar with the code, so you start having thoughts: should I switch teams? Now, there are different reasons to consider: are you being challenged? What’s on the roadmap? What are your career plans? I will not go into any of that here. What I want to talk about is why I love working on this team in particular, so much so that I don’t want to switch.

Having thought about it, I realized I love working on my team not because of who is on it or what the team works on. I love how we work:

How did we get there? The Pull Request review rules and guidelines we established for our team.

Elena Flat: How one code review rule turned my team into a dream team

And something that we still need to improve inside my team (since it’s always just their fault 🙂

“Manager approval does not count” — maybe this made you think “WHAT? I am a manager, and an amazing coder, and my review totally counts, how dare you.”

Elena Flat: How one code review rule turned my team into a dream team