(Cool) Snake with React Hooks
One time my kid sat near me on a late hour, refusing to sleep.
“Dad, what are you doing”, he asked, looking at the black IDE with words in a foreign language.
“I’m writing a game”. I replied hiding the pard about #notSoFancyAppChallenge.
He sat there for thirty minutes until the game was ready, and then gave me one of the biggest compliments I ever received: “Dad, that was cool”.
The different cell states:
const status = { empty:0, head: 1, body:2, star:3 }
Initialise method, used to start or reset:
const init = () => { const head = [11,10]; const tail = [10,10]; let board = Array.from({length:20},()=> { return Array.from({length:20},() => ({status:status.empty})) }); board[head[0]][head[1]] = {status: status.head}; board[tail[0]][tail[1]] = { status: status.body, from: [...head] }; return { board: board, head : [...head], tail : [...tail] } }
For the snake I created three react components: Board, Row & Cell:
const Line = (props) =>{ return props.line.map((cell,j) => <Cell key={`c${j}`} cell={cell}/>) } const Cell = (props) =>{ return <div className={`cell${props.cell.status}`}></div> } const Board = () => { .... return (<>{ game.board.map((line,i) => (<Line key={`l${i}`} line={line} />)) }<p>{staresSteps}</p> <input type="button" onClick={restart} value="Restart" /> </> )
React game variables:
let [game,setGame] = useState(init()); let [timeInterval,setTimeInterval] = useState(800); let [direction,setDirection] = useState([1,0]); let [staresSteps,setStaresSteps] = useState(0); let [clearTick,setClearTick] = useState(0);
Change direction listener:
useEffect(() => { const keyPress = k=>{ switch(k.key){ case 'ArrowRight': setDirection([0,1]); break; case 'ArrowLeft': setDirection([0,-1]); break; case 'ArrowDown': setDirection([1,0]); break; case 'ArrowUp': setDirection([-1,0]); break; } }; window.addEventListener('keydown', keyPress); return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', keyPress); }; }, []);
Restart game onClick:
const restart = () => { clearTimeout(clearTick); setStaresSteps(0); setTimeInterval(800); setGame(init()); }
Calculation & help methods:
const isGameOver = () => { return newHead[0] == -1 || newHead[0] == game.board.length || newHead[1] == -1 || newHead[1] == game.board.length || game.board[newHead[0]][newHead[1]].status == status.body } const stepOnStar = () => { return game.board[newHead[0]][newHead[1]].status == status.star; } const setCell = (loc,val) => { game.board[loc[0]][loc[1]] = val; } const getEmptyCells = () => { let emptyCells = []; game.board.map((line,i)=>{ line.map((cell,j) => { if(cell.status === 0){ emptyCells.push([i,j]); } }) }); return emptyCells; }
The movement (tick) executer:
useEffect(()=>{ setClearTick = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(clearTick); if(timeInterval > 100){ setTimeInterval(timeInterval -1); } },timeInterval); return ()=> { clearTimeout(clearTick); } },[game])
Calculate the new location:
const newHead = [game.head[0] + direction[0],game.head[1] + direction[1]]; const newTail = game.board[game.tail[0]][game.tail[1]].from; setCell(newHead,{status:status.head}); setCell(game.head,{status: status.body, from:newHead}); game.head = newHead;
Move the tail, if he had not eaten stars:
if(staresSteps == 0){ setCell(game.tail,{status: status.empty, from: null}); game.tail = newTail; }
Check for special steps:
if(isGameOver()){ clearTimeout(clearTick); return; } if(stepOnStar()){ setStaresSteps(staresSteps + 3); }else{ setStaresSteps(staresSteps===0?0:staresSteps-1); }
Last, add new stars on the screen:
const emptyCells = getEmptyCells(); const chanceForStar = emptyCells.length/(game.board.length*game.board.length)/10; if(Math.random()>0.9 - chanceForStar){ const starLocation = emptyCells[Math.floor(Math.random()*emptyCells.length)]; setCell(starLocation,{status: status.star}); }
All the logic above wrapped in a useEffect, listening to the tick passes:
useEffect(()=>{ ... ... ... setGame({...game}); },[timeInterval]);
Last, the CSS:
<style> #root { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(20, 20px [col-start]);} #root div { width: 20px; height: 20px; display: inline-block; border: solid 1px gray;} .cell0 {background-color: white;} .cell1 {background-color: black;} .cell2 {background-color: gray;;} .cell3 {background-color: red;} </style>
Link to the full code file on git.
My son told me that I’m cool 🙂