#NotFancyAppChallenge: Simon

I always get stressed about make the perfect app. And what always end up happening, I never get it done. So I created this challenge. It’s all about learning by doing. The only rule, it must be completed within 24 hours. Anything more, it’s too fancy 😜

About Samantha Ming

I used to call it by a different name, but the concept is the same. #NotFancyAppChallenge One day challenge, or to be realistic, way-way less than that. It’s not perfect, and not meant to be, just to learn and have fun with a small imperfect app Enjoy the ability to write some code and play with the basic stuff.

This time: the Simon game, but without the sound.

I can list the issues that need improvement, or point for some known bugs. But the time is up, so this is what you get. Have fun.